Terms Of Service

Terms of Use

These Terms of Use are an agreement between you (the "User") and Partly Technologies, Inc. ("Company", "we", "us"). They govern your access and use of the withpartly.com website and services (collectively the "Product").

By using the Product, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these Terms or the Privacy Policy, do not use the Product.

The Product is intended for users age 13 and older. By using it, you confirm you meet this requirement.

We may update these Terms at any time by posting the revised version on the website. Your continued use constitutes acceptance of any changes.

Product Access and Account

We may modify, suspend or discontinue the Product or any part of it at any time, with or without notice.

You are responsible for arranging access to the Product and ensuring anyone accessing through your credentials complies with these Terms.

To access certain features, you must provide complete and accurate registration information and accept the Privacy Policy.

You must keep any credentials issued to you confidential and not share them. Notify us promptly of any unauthorized access or use. We may disable credentials at any time.

Intellectual Property

The Product and all its contents are owned by the Company and protected by intellectual property laws. The Company retains exclusive ownership of all intellectual property rights.

These Terms grant you a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to access and use the Product solely to operate your business in compliance with these Terms. You may not otherwise copy, modify, distribute, display or create derivative works from Product content without our express written consent.

Any violation of this intellectual property section may result in immediate termination of your license and ability to use the Product, as well as potential legal liability.

If you wish to use Product content or intellectual property beyond what is expressly allowed, you must obtain advance written permission from sanjay@withpartly.com.